Energy mortgages: subsidies by

Energy mortgages Although the problem of accessing a mortgage became much more complicate after the crisis, the real estate sector has grown again in recent years and appears to be in stable health. But in this time many factors have changd in construction, and one of them is the emphasis on energy efficiency and properties with less dependence on supplies. Not in vain, in 2020 all constructions card out in Spain must be Almost Zero Consumption Buildings. And that is why energy mortgages exist today , types of loans for those who, from now on, are committe to sustainable homes. What do the administrations say about it? We can consider this type of mortgage loans – which we also usually.

Lower risk of d efault on energy mortgages

Call green mortgages – and they are basically bas on the fact that they include a discount for having implemente energy efficiency measures in the property. Right now, in our country, it is possible to reuce the Benin Phone Number List mortgage by around 9% if the best rating as an efficient building is achieve. What is the reason? According to Triodos Bank, which since has grantd more than 1,700 energy mortgages worth 99.8 million euros, the key is that the default rate for individuals has been 0% in these loans. In Spain, however, we are quite behind in mortgage aid for apartments that comply with energy efficiency measures. In the Unite States there are also these types of mortgage.

Phone Number List

Energy Effici ent Morgages

Explaine by Energy Star ), but it is the European Union that is carrying out more aid of this type. Now, also in Spain, although it is a pilot test. The European Mortgage Federation, better known by its name in English as the European Mortgage Federation , has launche a program to support Belarus phone number list loans to buy green homes . Under the name of Pilot Mortgages for Energy Efficiency , the EU feeration has joine forces with seven financial entities, various associations and administrations such as the Madrid City Council. The project was presentd this summer and, as announce by the feeration, its main intention is to encourage the creation of an energy efficiency mortgage . And its main assets are base on the conviction, according to the association, that these.


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