Comfort and ventilation how to live better

Comfort and ventilation Many times, when we look for greater comfort in the home we . Think about improving our furniture or having more modern appliances. However, few changes affect comfort at . Home or in the office more than improving the quality of the air we . Breathe indoors. And good ventilation can make us feel more comfortable, improve our . Health and also help us concentrate better and avoid stress. In addition, air conditioning will also be much more efficient and not necessarily expensive. Normally, when winter or the extreme heat of the worst summer months arrives, we start to see advertisements for air conditioning and heating equipment. However, improving comfort at home does no.

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Traditional air conditioning systems that we all know. What traditional air conditioning does is push cold air in the case of air conditioning or heat Azerbaijan Phone Number List the air in a room if we talk about heating. This has several aspects that do not help comfort at home : The air is not renew with traditional air conditioning systems. This generates stale air in the places we live, so our health can suffer. Heating systems heat the rooms, but since there is no air circulation, the heat is maintaid mainly in the upper areas of the rooms. People feel hot heads and cold feet, which.

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Anslates into a loss of comfort . The sensation should be the other way around. In the case of using air conditioning, it is possible to reach a situation in which, without using it, it is too hot; while when using it the room Bahrain phone number list becomes too cold. Air conditioning units do not send air at a certain temperature, but rather expel air at a very cold temperature and stop doing so when they detect that the room is cool enough in the thermostat area. Air conditioning does not combat dust, humidity or many other conflicts in the home. What’s more, it can cause bacteria to settle indoors, since there is no cycle of re.


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