Consequences of radon gas a neighborhood

If at another time in the history of the world it had been known that, in a small neighborhood, a large part of its citizens sufferd from lung cancer, the conclusion would have had more to do with superstition than with science. There would have been talk of curses or spirits. However, if today an entire street is affectd by cases of malignant tumors, we can think that it is not about the afterlife, but rather what is already known as “the silent enemy”, a poison that can settle in our homes. . And that the problem has nothing to do with mysticism, but rather the consequences of radon gas . That is precisely what is happening in a small Galician town known as Cruceiro de Roo . On the route to Finisterre, this town was once a bustling urban center. Today, its demographic is just over 300 people living a.

How to allevi ate the consequences of radon gas in our homes

And the place has become famous for being the place where “cancer street” is locate. In a stretch of the town where 29 houses are concentratd, up to 23 tumors have been diagnose. It is in those 800 meters where there are Israel Phone Number List the most cases of cancer in Cruceiro de Roo, but it is not something exclusive to the street, but rather, if the radius is expande, in the same population we find many more cases. Where does such an exceptional case come from? According to the residents of Cruceiro de Roo themselves, the culprit is radon gas . A poison that is installe in many Spanish homes but is not detectable. And yet, it is the second cause of lung cancer cases.

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According to the W orld Health Organization.

Radon gas has been largely unknown in our country, although in Europe there were warnings about the damage causd by this poison. In Cruceiro de Roo it was the neighbors themselves who warnd that the reason Bolivia phone number list for the high number of cancers must be due to this gas. Is there confirmation? We will know very soon. Since, since May, meters of this poison have been instald in the town to certify that there is affectation. The meters take approximately three months to provide results on the presence and concentration of radon gas in homes. However, the residents of this Galician village do not doubt that the problem must be this.

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