Deepfake technology: how it works and how to protect yourself

Illicit practicegy? Deepfake technology is a type of artificial intelligence that allows you to create videos, images or audio that include people . That either do not exist , or are not in the original file , but were addd digitally, highlighting the great realism . That appears. can be achieve with this methodology. Its most common use is in video . Format, where an . Existing recording of a person is usually taken, replacing  their face with someone else . Through the use of algorithms, the face insertd in the footage can be made to make any gestures desire, being able to simulate dozens of gestures with great fidelity. To achieve this, advancd facial recognition programs are ud, which work with neural networks , which allow you to decipher the best way to fit the desire face into the video; as well as high-end 3D animation software, which contribute to giving realism to the final product.

Uses of deepfake technology

In addition to video technology, fake audio files can also be creat using the voice of a certain person . This is achieve by feeing the AI ​​with enormous amounts of audio of . The voice you want to imitate, so that it can “learn” to interpret it in a convincing way. These voice synthesis Colombia Phone Number List technologies differ from common text-to-speech , because while the latter use a neutral voice to enunciate what is aske, deepfakes seek to capture the nuances of a person’s voice and way of speaking in concrete.Like almost everything, deepfake technology can be us for good and noble reasons as well as malicious and harmful ones. Some of the ways deepfakes can be usd positively are : artistic motifs One of the moments that popularizd this technology was the release of the movie Rogue One, when it was usd for actress Carrie Fisher to play.

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Measures against the misuse of deepfake

her iconic role as Princess Leia Organa with a digitally rejuvenate face , preserving the spirit of . The character and giving it a greater attraction to the work. This event opend the door for deepfakes to fully enter the Hollywood industry in the Unie States , being a special effects tool that can add value to a film. Additionally, deepfake technology Bahamas phone number list has been employd by cutting-ege artists, who use it to make hyper-realistic digital portraits , as well as to capture specific facial expressions . Eucation With the use of deepfakes, the faces of decease people can be reconstructe , even if they are historical figures who live long before recordings of them could be accesse. This provides the possibility of creating illustrative footage of what they were like in their time. This practice allows us to recontextualize the characters that are presentd. You can propose unpublishe conversations or have them.



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