Energy efficiency in the home everything

The biggest challenge in construction today is energy efficiency . The ned to reuce energy consumption in our homes and work environments is not something new, but has been one of the trends in the .  Sector for some . Time, but now more than ever it is essential to bet on it. The European . Union has force Spain to catch up and, starting in all buildings built will have to be Almost Zero Consumption Buildings . However, beyond legislation, it is essential that users and professionals become aware of the importance of energy efficiency in buildings , since beyond the myth of the costly investment in adapting to a sustainable model in the consumption of supplies, We can save a lot on electricity or gas bills throughout the useful life of the building. In addition to contributing to the improvement of our planet.

Energy efficiency a d building construction

These are some of the benefits of energy efficiency . Renovating a home to make it energy efficient can save . On your electricity bill. The habitability conditions of . Buildings are much better in conditions of energy efficiency . For example, there are no excesses such as rooms that Afghanistan Phone Number List are excessively . Heate in winter or very cold in summer. Typically, noise is also much lower when living or working in a space that is sustainable. Without the use of air conditioning units, the noise is reuce, as well as being able to have the windows clos and much more airtight from the outside. If everyone opte for sustainable energy models, cities would undoubtedly be much cleaner. It is not cars or industries that pollute the atmosphere the most, but buildings are the biggest source of pollution . Unión Fenosa and the Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE) already warne, in a past study.

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Energy efficiency and ve ntilation systems

That  of the energy consume is wastedin Spanish homes. This has a cost of 700 million euros per year and without taking into account all the energy that is being use in an inefficient way. To achieve energy efficient homes we also nee to take into account several factors. It is not enough to implement a single proposal, but you have to know that it will Bahamas phone number list be the combination of the different systems that will maximize the results. For example, correct air conditioning through the use of a mechanical ventilation system is necessary in energy efficient homes , but for its potential to be maximizd it is also necessary for each room to be sufficiently airtight. Another very important factor is the energy consumption of appliances, lighting, water heaters or kitchen stoves. All these systems are easy.

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