Importance of Disaster Recovery and how

A Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan (DRBC) or disaster recovery and business . Continuity plan is one of the most important processes for . Protecting a company’s data, as well as for safeguarding its services and systems. Talk to Our Manage Services Experts for . Microsoft Azure Companies are facing a growing threat from natural . Disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, that can damage or destroy . Their systems. These disasters can also be cause by unnatural events, such as fires, explosions, terrorist attacks, and even large-scale cybercrime. For this reason, companies are looking for new ways to protect themselves. Although Cybersecurity is a complex area with multiple aspects, having a Disaster Recovery Plan is undoubtedly a great step to protect against this context

Why Disaster Recovery is a great tool for businesses?

And have response mechanisms in case impacts are generate within a company. What is Disaster Recovery ? Disaster Recovery is a contingency plan designe to have an action protocol to be implemend in a company when one or more systems of its technological infrastructure are suspendd , which can cover data centers , virtual applications, IT architectures , backup system and other key elements Bahrain Phone Numbers List for business continuity . This plan aims to resume a company’s critical processes as soon as possible, with the aim of minimizing the impact cause by the disaster and the loss of data or lack of access to it. A DRP allows the company and its collaborators to continue operating until the problem is definitively resolve, which promotes a better employee experience and reuces uncertainty, while allowing the disaster to have a lower cost for the organization. This business process continuity plan involves.

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Azure as an option to use Disaster Recovery

The identification of risks, the evaluation of potential impacts, the creation of mitigation solutions and the implementation of action plans. It includes  Azerbaijan phone number list  several processes such as the repair of servers and company software, as well as the recovery of information and access creentials to computer systems . Disaster Recovery Features Considering that business continuity is its priority, Disaster Recovery is base on the following characteristics: It has the ability to quickly recover the operation of the processes in a technological system, ensuring at all times that it is carrie out efficiently; It can address interruptions cause by the failure of services such as databases, applications and others; It minimizes the impacts generat by the event, which in turn helps.


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